
In Love With An Idiot: Surprise Roommate

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"W-what do you mean I'm a part of England's territory?!" You tried to shout out, but instead came out as nothing more than just a squeak.
England just smirked his charming smirk and placed his hand back on his hip. "Think of it as my doing you nothing less than a favor. Since, apparently, you don't seem to be able to even speak your own mind easily, you wouldn't even last a day….so—"
"HEY, IGGY! _______ 'S A PART OF YOUR COLONY NOW?!" shouted America before England could even finish. England noticeably face-palmed and noted to the American that he'd just finished saying such and soon ended up explaining the whole process in which makes being his colony actually much of a life saver. "Ohhh, so it's like in that fairy tale and she's like that little raggedy chick who gets bullied by those crazy chicks and old hag and then gets knocked up by princy and then raves at the big rich castle right?—" "WHAT KINDA FAIRY TALE IS THAT FROM!?!" England interjects America, practically shouting in his face.
Watching them you'd figured that it was best to make a break for it, so slowly tiptoeing yourself backwards you carefully maneuvered past the corner and as soon as you were out of ear shot, you took off.
Running through the halls, you thought you'd get away since there was no one else in sight, annnd~ that's when you heard it.
"Hey, you there! Stop vhere you are, put your hands up, and don't move!" A booming voice shouts out to you from across the hall.
'OH-GODDD!!!~ NOOO~ not again………why me? ….~' you cry in your head as you do as your told and notice that your legs are now going numb in place.
The owner of the voice makes their way up to you and wanders up in front. You realize that it's actually a fairly tall young man with piercing red eyes and silvery white hair.
'An albino?' you question in your head, but as you ponder your thoughts you then realize that his eyes are roaming up and down the curves of your body and a slick smirk slips into place on his face.
'O'mygod—No! He can't be— U-Unbelievable! Stop it! Stop what you're doing, freak'n pervert!' You shout in your head but sadly no words are audible. Then, before you know it, his hand comes floating over and is only inches from touching you, and closing your eyes so that you don't have to witness your molestation—
You crack open your eyes and are immediately met with a sight to behold.
There before you is the albino with his head face-planted in the ground and a lady's foot pressing it down even deeper into the marble. She folds her arms and waves the strangely placed frying pan around.
"Prussia, just vhat do you think that you're doing violating some poor girl like that. Ve are supposed to be on patrol duty right now!" After she's done chewing out the one called Prussia, she then turns her attention to you and almost seems to do a 180, and change into a completely different person, minus her foot squashing the Prussian into the ground.
"Oh, I'ma very sorry for his behavior and vhat he has done, but do not a worry! He'sa more bark van bite anyway, right?~" as she said this she pressed his face even further into the ground, making a noticeably crunch sound. "H-Hungary…" you hear him call out from underneath her foot. But she just ignores him and stomps down on his face even harder. You guessed that she was fairly upset at him at the moment as you could slightly see the veins in her head making themselves visible. Even though she was smiling….
"Alright, then. I'll guess we'll be seeing you, miss…" she waited for your reply, but it took you a while to gather yourself and speak.
"O-Oh! _-_-_______, r-representing _________..." you stutterly reply gaining a giggle from the one called Hungary.
"Okay then, I'll see you sometime, okay? Bye now~" Hungary called out to you as she dragged away an unconscious Prussia by his feet.
You just stared at her, flabbergasted. "Well….that was i-in..teresting…" you whispered to yourself and then just as you were getting your act together you remembered the whole reason you were looking around in the first place. "O-Oh-ho no! T-the …admin office…." You felt your spirit drop as you'd realized that you still had to get to that building to even get registered first. So sighing aloud, you started pondering the halls and eventually found a map of the campus, good news? You weren't that far away…… bad news?...... It was getting late, a you just knew there was going to be a long line waiting….ugh…this was gonna suck.
You found your way to the admin building and there to your horror was what you'd thought was going to be there. 'Great….A line….a re-he-ally….long line….~' you whined in your head and took your spot outside the doors. You decided that it couldn't hurt to look around a bit, so you lifted up your head and glanced about.
You were actually surprised to see practically everyone you'd happened to literally bump into while in line. Like America was a little behind you and looked like he was getting a lecture from England about how it was all his fault that they got there late and that if he hadn't been off who knows where goofing off then they'd of been done and over this already.
Looking some more you saw the same albino man you'd just encountered earlier, Hungary was there too, but it looked like she was talking to a red haired Italian with an oddly distinctive curl sticking out of his head. And back to Prussia, he was teasing a taller, much more brawnier built man with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He didn't look like he was paying much attention to the red-eyed one though, but even so, Prussia just kept yapping on.
Looking about some more you got to see a lot of interesting people, like a pair of shorter men, by not much out and behind Prussia and them. One had fairly long brownish-black hair that was tied up in a, what you'd call a manly horse-tail and like England, Prussia, and Hungary was already wearing the uniform. The other, slightly shorter nation had straight short and neatly cut black hair, he looked as if he'd already known the other two younger nations as well as they all somewhat conversed with one another.
You had been staring about for so long that you hadn't realized that your body had been moving along with the line subconsciously and now you were nearly at the front, just outside of the office door itself.
You decided it was best to hang tight and just wait a little bit longer for the last couple of students to finish up. But just as you were about to be called you hear Prussia freak out in the back,
"Ah—Damnit! I've got to take a freak'n piss!!!" everyone and their grandma stopped what they were doing and turned around to look at the Prussian, holding himself and doing the potty dance. "Then go to the bathroom! I don't need your help!" you see the blonde one shout at the Prussian. Then all of a sudden Prussia stops his need to pee and places a hand on the younger one's shoulder—"Get your hand off of me!! I've seen vhere it's been!!!" "Kesesesese~ Vest, you should realize by now that vith my awesomeness it vill soon rub off on you, and vhen that Damn old man finally sees that ve're the awesome, he'll blah blah blah.." You decided to ignore the rest as his awesome talk was starting to get annoying and looking back you could see that the one called West wished he could do the same as he got tugged about and leaned on as the Prussian continued on.
Turning your attention back to the door you realized it was open and the secretary in front was smiling at you to go ahead in.
Walking inside you found yourself in a rather lavishly decorated room. "Just take a seat there and he'll be with you in a moment, okay, deary?" the secretary smiles at you and gestures toward the open couch right on the other side of the room, opposite the Headmaster's room.
While waiting you realize just how lavish and fancy the couch you're sitting on really is, and just how soft it truly was as you sunk in deeper to it. 'Oh, whoa…this place is unbelievably rich… o-oh dear…how did I manage to get accepted, actually?' you let your thoughts wander as you continued to stare horrified at how unmistakably lavish the office room just was. And while you stared into space the door across from you clicked open and the students that where ahead of you filed out, shockingly, a gloom and depressingly dead stare on their face. 'OH LORD WHAT NOW!?' you thought as they made their way past you and out the door.
"Oh well… maybe they'll make it next time, alright, miss ______? You may go in now.~" she chimed.
You slightly nod and pull yourself up. 'T-that was weird…w-we all got accepted here…d-didn't we?' The thought felt unsettling as you quickly made your way into the room and she closed the door behind you.
Being inside this room was even more gut wrenching than the last, for it had much bigger walls and a sparkling jeweled chandelier that hung proudly from the center of the ceiling. The rug was soft and felt rather smooth underneath your feet. Fancy bookcases and finely decorated walls…This was the Headmaster's office? In front of you was a large desk and a satin red business chair with a brawny middle aged man sitting in it. He had curly brunette hair that looked familiar somehow as his many curls pointed out in many directions. The look on his face is of complete bliss as he sends you a welcoming smile and starts single handedly chatting up with his silent assistant beside him, who in turn had straight blonde hair and strikingly deep blue eyes focused and ever alert, actually, it reminded you of the young blonde fellow that was with Prussia outside. And come to think of it, the one in the chair was a lot like the cheery eyed red-head that was with Hungary.
"Ah, so you're-a the miss ______ from ________, now, aren't you? It'sa really nice to meet you!~ I'ma the Headmaster of IWA, Ancient Rome~ But-a you can just call-a me a Gran-pa Rome, m-okay?~" he said to you with a flirtatious wink. You nearly jumped when he did that, 'H-he didn't just do that…' you draw your attention over to the tall man beside him, he just has his eyes closed with a barely visible blush which is present on his face and a slight sweat-drop rolling down the side of his face.
"This is-a my assistant, the vice-a Headmaster, Germania~ But-sa don't be frightened of his stick-up-the-butt personality, it'sa just a-how he is, but-a he's a really nice-a once you get's ta a-know him!~" Grandpa Rome grins at you, while Germania just "hmphs" and clears his throat,
"Ve should get back to vhat ve vere supposed to be discussing, now." Says Germania as he hands Grandpa Rome a file.
"Al-a-righty then…" says Grandpa Rome as he takes the file from Germania's hands.
Looking through it thoroughly, he scans through the paper work until he finds what he's looking for. "Ahhah! I found-sa it!" he then looks up at you and gives you a proud and most benevolent grin,
"Lucky you! It'sa looks-a like you were actually accepted into-a the IWA!~ Well-a come on~ Smile! It'sa great-a news-a, right?" he chimes at you while waving around your documents.
You stare at the paper in bewilderment and break into a small smile as you realize that you've actually been accepted in, but now you were curious as to what had gone wrong in the first place, so slowly raising a hand you squeak at first but soon steady your voice,
"U-umm, i-is it alright….i-if..I-I ask you w-what went wrong in the first p-place, a-and why you w-were checking all the d-docu..ments?"
Germania takes back the file and then collects the admin paper as soon as Grandpa Rome finished filling it out. Grandpa Rome then looks up at you and then starts scratching the back of his head while laughing uncomfortably. "Well, that'sa bec—"
"The Headmaster here vas too busy flirting around and not paying attention to his vork vhile he vas doing the new students' forms, and now ve have a vhole lot of national representatives here vho should not of been here in ve first place!" Germania, interrupts, though calm and secure at the start of his remark was now greatly irritated as he remembered how many times he'd tried to get Grandpa Rome's attention back on his work, but instead ended up blowing it off all together.  
Hearing this you thought back to the other students you'd just seen leave this room, 'Oh no…i-it must have been terrible for them…' just thinking about how you felt when first hearing the news and then all that time and money spent getting here…and then enduring that treacherous line, a-and what if they'd happened to of made some new friends already, only to be told that it was an accident that they were here in the first place……
Thinking to yourself the gloom, and yet somewhat agitated look on your face was irrelevant, you knew that this school, deep down…was a battle ground.
Germania then passed something else to Grandpa Rome; taking it Grandpa Rome gave it a quick once-over and held it out to you.
"Here ya go, this-a is your-a schedule and dorm-a room key. But-a don't-sa worry, your-a dorm-a room number-a is-a on the schedule too~" he told you as you took the items from his hands, and as soon as you took them he held out his hands to you again and waited for yours. Securing the items safely away, you then gave him your hands and let him hold them for a bit.[1]
You flinched slightly when he lightly squeezed on them, but then his words soothed your distress,
"Do not-a worry, young one. This-sa school is-a very nice one. There are-a many lot-sa nations here, even if-a they may look big and-a scary at-a first, they all mean-a well. So do not-a be afraid to-a show your true self out-sa there~" He chimed and then released your hands to you.
You brought your hands back to you and held them close, not really sure how to respond, but it only took a second after your hands were released back to you that you heard Germania swack Grandpa Rome upside his head and then turned back to you,
"Please just ignore this vomanizer's bad habits, but besides that, your uniform vill be in your room, so do not vorry about that. Oh! That's right, I think you have a dorm mate too, ja?" he turned to check the details and then went back to you, "Ja, so I vill explain the rules. The dormitories at IWA are mixed—vut, only because ve trust you to not perform any indecent activities vithin the campus grounds. But other than that, only three rules really matter: One! No running in the halls!—" at the first rule you flinched a bit, remembering your earlier run in in the other building with Hungary and Prussia, "—Two, Get along along vith your peers!, and three…This is a BATTLE OF THE FITTEST!"
You stared seriously dumbfounded at the rules he'd just blasted you with. 'W-wait a minute…R-rule two a-and three…contradicts each other….what's up with that?' you thought as they then shooed you out of the room, but not after Grandpa Rome could give you a last goodbye wink where then Germania face-plants Rome's head into the desk, hand still waving at you in the air.
Walking back out you're met with the secretary, who gives you a delighted look and congratulates you a welcome to the IWA.
It's as you're walking out that you see America and England sitting on the couch you had just been sitting before; noticing your stare America jumps up and runs up to you,
"Hey, you're that chick from before, uh…ahaha~ Sorry, I never got your name. But anyway, I'm Alfred F. Jones and I represent America; also otherwise known as—THE HERO!!!—"
"—Oh, shut it. I'm sorry, love, but as your boss, I should at least know the name of my new colony…" England interjected, leaving America to pout and start shouting at him in the background.
You fidgeted a little at first but eventually mustered up the courage to talk, "Um, _-…________... I-I repre..sent _________..."
England just eyed you suspiciously while simultaneously trying to ignore America's constant obnoxiousity. Feeling his eyes on you definitely wasn't helping much, but luckily just when you thought you were going to lose it from the intensity you were saved when the secretary called out for them to hurry up and go see the Headmaster if they wanted to get in; so making the smart choice, England quickly dropped his gaze from you and started shoving America out the room and into the Headmaster's office, where the secretary shut the door with a light click.
You were pondering around campus till finally, you'd spotted the dormitories. Walking in you quickly searched about for your room number and finally finding it on the third floor of the building you started at unlocking the door, but to your surprise it was already open. Deep down you felt your heart fall into your gut as were seriously freaking out on the inside, but your body was frozen stiff as you stood there motionless, peeking through the small crack in the door. 'O'mygod!~ T-there's someone in here? No w-wait yeah, G-Germania said I had a room-mate… b-but what if it's not them?! What kind of person leaves their door unlocked anyway?! A-AHHH!!!~ What if we're already getting robbed?! Oh no!—'
Your thoughts continued to mentally implode as you just stood there at the doorway, but before you could even come back into your proper state of mind, the door gets yanked open from you and you're pulled inside the dark and dim lit room.
Blinking some you manage to look up at the offender who has you in his grasp, his lips curving into a smirk he pats you on the head,
"Hey roomie…~"

[1]- This scene I came up with because I had a nice ol' lady do the same to me when she figured out that I well, was a little on the quiet side, a-anyway, I thought this scene would fit Grandpa Rome fairly well.
I finally did it! This is chapter three of In Love With An Idiot, and sorry if it’s pretty long, eh, whatevs, the longer the story the better right? OMG- I just counted, my bad, it ended up being very long, ah well. But any way make sure to vote for who you want as your room-mate, I came up with at least 6 candidates who’d make interesting roomies, well choose wisely…because they’ll be the ones you’re stuck with for the rest of the story. ^^

This was done on my other account on another site so it's already done and past with the roomie thing... but once again....
I do not own either you or Hetalia!~

© 2012 - 2024 mazukikai
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