
Who's Your Hero-Russia x Feared Reader x America 8

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Literature Text

Chapter 8: Recovering Truths pt.1


It was getting late and Ivan was having a hard time staying awake due to his small body. As you watched his amethyst eyes droop from time to time you smoothed out his soft beige hair and let his head rest on your shoulder, lightly patting his back so he could finally drift off to sleep. Sighing happily a soft giggle escaped you as you walked up to your bedroom and placed him atop your bed, there you wrapped the covers over him and tucked him in. Smiling lightly to yourself you made your way back down stairs and plopped a pillow up on the edge of the couch and readied a blanket to keep you warm for the night. As you laid your head on the pillow you gazed up at the dimly lit Christmas tree, its [Christmas color/s] slowly lulled you to sleep as you fell into darkness.

However as you slept you were oblivious to the sound of little feet making their way up to you as a small hand stroked your [h/l] [h/c] hair,

“….Sleep tight, podsolnechnika……Spokojnoj noči…”

End Recap---

Morning came sooner than you’d thought as you squinted your eyes in discomfort from the bright light that was trying to seep its way through your eyelids. But when you tried to stretch you heard a tiny moan of discomfort come from your chest and lowering your eyes you held back a startled gasp as soon as you saw the little tyke sprawled atop your stomach with his small arms trying their best to stay tightly wrapped around you as if letting you go would make you disappear. You felt a small smile nudge at the corners of your lip as you lightly pat the small boy on his head, combing your [slender/chubby/long/short/etc] fingers through his silky beige hair. You cracked a smile at how preciously adorable the moment felt at that second…but of course…maybe…too special?
You continued to watch as Ivan soundlessly snored under his breath. ‘H-….he’s still too….adorable~’ you swooned in your head but within that split second you were smacking yourself for such a thought and quickly yet gently you tried to sit up as to not disturb the sleeping Russian child. This was not the time to be swooning when magic was at work here! However as you made a slight motion to remove the tiny guy you heard his soft grunts of disapproval at every tug you gave and his hold on you would only get tighter. ‘O-Oi! I swear it’s like he’s pretending to be asleep!’ Finally giving up you just stared blankly at the clingy boy whom has still as of yet to open his lovely amethyst eyes, yet slowly you could see the edges of his lips curve into a subtle smile. ‘Ah!—I knew it!’


You stared at the boy awaiting a response but instead all he did was tighten his grip on you. Feeling a steady blush begin to form you were about to say something when your phone rang. Quickly taking your mind off of the clingy child you reached for your phone and answered it, “…Hello.” You more or less stated rather than asked but it wasn’t long till you heard that familiar loud voice ring through the other end, “HEY DUDETTE! YOU WANNA HANG OUT TODAY?!!” You quickly removed the phone from your ear as the screeching voice on the other end continued shouting and effectively snapping Ivan out of his fake-sleep; landing his butt on the ground. But it didn’t seem like Alfred was done yet since before you could reply to his request he’d already started yammering again,

“IT’LLBELIKESOTOTALLYFUNDUDE—SOMAKESURETOCOMEOVERKAY?! BYE!!!” and with that you heard him hang up. You stared at the phone with an inquisitive glower, ‘…He didn’t even let me answer…Does he think I’ll refuse?’ After a few more seconds of pondering you felt a giggle crawl its way up your throat, “I swear…” you breathed as you hung up the phone, however unbeknownst to you Ivan was standing right behind you, a wicked grin plastered to his features as he glared daggers at the phone.

Ivan’s P.O.V.-------

That conniving little snake! How dare that stupid American try to steal away moy podsolnechnika! ________ shouldn’t have to waste her time dealing with that jerk—I’ll just have to make sure that she doesn’t go…

Quickly I sprang into action as I wrapped my now tiny arms around her lags so that she couldn’t go anywhere, I may be smaller now—But I’m still a proud strong Russian! ________ squeaked in surprise and glanced down at me, her [e/c] eyes sparkling with confusion. “H-Hey!.....Ivan you alright?” she asked. I felt a pout puff at my cheeks, she may not be the brightest but that didn’t mean she had to be this oblivious. “Podsolnechnika. Don’t go, da?” I stated rather demandingly as I stared at her.

Regular P.O.V.-------

You looked down at Ivan rather surprised by the sheer intensity that rung from his eyes. He looked dead serious about not wanting you to go meet with Alfred. “…Wha…b-…but how come?” you asked a tad confused with why he was acting this way. At this Ivan turned away from you, taking an interest in the ground, yet his grip only seemed to tighten. You were about to question his sudden change in attitude when he suddenly spoke up.

“I want you to stay with me…at least till the end of the month, da? You will keep me company won’t you, podsolnechnika?” Ivan was looking up at you the biggest pair of amethyst eyes you’d ever seen as watched you painfully, almost as if your rejection would shatter him. “What-I-err….” You stumbled for the right words but when you looked into his wide eyes you couldn’t find the strength to turn them down. Sighing in defeat you lightly ran a hand through his soft hair, “I suppose so….you got me. Let’s have a wonderful Christmas together, kay?” At that moment Ivan practically shined with approval as his overjoyed expression quickly nodded at your request. He then let go of you to run back onto the couch and hug his scarf to try and contain his happiness. You smiled sweetly at the boy as you rubbed your head. Now you had to figure out how to tell Alfred the bad news…

Alfred’s P.O.V.-------

Yay-haay!~ _______’s coming over! This time for sure I’ll make my feeling clear to her! M-Maybe I should’ve just told her over the phone—Argh, no! That wouldn’t feel right! She said she’s coming so that should be good enough—Well, I didn’t really give her time to answer, but I don’t know what I would’ve done if she didn’t…A sudden chill went down my spine as I felt my energy drop down a few notches. ‘What if she doesn’t feel the same when I see her?...Nah…I’ll just have to wait till she gets here first…th-then I’ll…” Just then the phone rang startling me out of my thoughts. I ran to pick it up almost managing to drop it as I brought it to my ear, “Hey ____—“

“M-Mr. Jones…Sorry but it seems I won’t be able to go after all…um…maybe some other time okay?”

I felt my heart drop into my gut as I listened to ________ say that she wasn’t coming over. Hearing that she’d finished talking I immediately spat out whatever I could to stop her from hanging up, “________! Wait! I—I-…Can you come over for X-mas? I kinda have something I want to talk to you about…” A light bead of sweat rolled down the side of my face as I scratched at my cheek. Listening in I could hear doubt bubble through her voice. “Actually…” I braced myself for whatever she was going to tell me.

“Actually I….I promised I’d spend the rest of the month with…Ivan…”

That was it…I felt my eyes grow wide as I clutched the phone tighter nearly breaking it. “W-what do you mean you’re spending the rest of the month with him…?” I growled out, my blood now boiling at this point. But before she could answer I heard a small voice in the background calling out for her, “Podsolnechnika? Who are you talking with?”

“Ah, hold on a minute, alright? …Mr.Jo—” I quickly slammed the phone back down and spun around grabbing my car keys as I ran outside, slamming the door in the process. What the hell was that commie bastard doing at ________’s house?! I care to dwell on it long as I hoped into my car and started the engine.

Regular P.O.V.------

You flinched as you heard the harsh sound of a slam before the line went dead. Confusion spiraling in your head you felt a cold chill flood your body as you nervously hung up the phone and pulled your hand back. “….M-…maybe I shouldn’t of canceled on him like that…” you muttered to yourself still a bit worried about Alfred. Suddenly there was a tug at the bottom of your shirt and looking down the corners of your lips rose slightly. “Podsolnechnika? You are not doing so well, da?” Seeing the concern in his eyes you slowly shook your head and patted his head, “I’ll be fine. But I’m not so confident if Alfred is…”

Just then the sound of a car pulling up in your driveway caught your attention; swooping Ivan up into your arms you were about to check who it was when a loud banging was heard from your door effectively startling you. Ivan seemed quite content as he held onto you tighter as if reminding you he was there. Cautiously you opened the door only to have a very irritated American barge into your house unannounced. “Where is he?” he growled demandingly. You looked at him startled, “Um, but who?” He stormed past you and took a quick peek into your kitchen then into the hallway where he checked room to room for any signs of your Russian friend. You started to feel unnerved by Alfred’s sudden arrival and temperament but before you could say anything Alfred flew out of the room you let Ivan stay for the time being. Tightly clasped in his hand was Ivan’s tan coat as he drug around and off the floor to show it to you.

“Where is he? I heard him on the phone earlier. What’s that bastard commie doing here?!” You felt Ivan’s grip tighten as his dark aura steadily flowed out, “Da. I always knew Americans had no manners and for some reason just beg to be punched in the face, da?~ Just what is it that the stupid American will do about it?” Alfred blinked a few times before finally taking notice of the small boy that was tightly clasped in your arms. Ivan steadily lowered himself down only to face the tall American head on.


“________ is to be staying with me, da? You are not needed.” Ivan interrupted Alfred as he pulled out his lead pipe and glared coldly at the confused American before him. Seeing Ivan in his current state Alfred felt the corners of his lips twitch slightly as a grin spread across his face. Seeing this, Ivan immediately took insult to his rival and enemy as the towering American just smirked amusedly at him. “W-What are you staring for?! You will fall in terror of Ivan now, DA?!” screeched Ivan as he waved his pipe in the air threateningly, however all Alfred could do was snort out a laugh as he bent forward to pat down rather heavily atop Ivan’s head, ruffling his hair. “Pssh! HAHAHAHAHA!!! WHAT THE HELL, DUDE?! YOU’RE A TOTAL SHRIMP NOW!~ HAHAHAHA!!!” Ivan could feel his cheeks heating up miserably as the annoying American continued to push down on his head. “M-Mr. Jones! What are you doing to Ivan?! Stop that if you would!” you quickly pulled little Ivan away from the rowdy American as he laughed his head off at the Russian’s situation.

“Originally I had you pegged out to be a commie bastard, but now you’re just a commie brat! How’d the hell’d this happen?” You sent a silencing glare Alfred’s way effectively shutting him up as Ivan held defensively to his pipe, pouting. “I’m not a brat…” he muttered beneath his breath as he turned to look away from both Alfred and you. Sighing exasperatedly you took Ivan’s hand and dragged him over to the couch where you sat him and soon took the spot next to him while Alfred took a seat on the other side of you. “….Actually…I was planning on getting the details to that later today…” turning to glare at your noisy friend you continued, “…but then you went and had to botch it all up I suppose now…” At this Alfred muttered an apologetic “sorry” and scratched at the back of his head before returning back into a more serious expression he glanced down at Ivan, “So? You heard the dudette. Spill it, commie brat.” Ivan almost immediately sent a look of imminent death Alfred’s way as he clung tighter to his lead pipe, “I’m not a brat, stupid American. But if you’re wondering who it was that did this to me it was that stupid Magic man…” ‘Magic? Could he be talking about Arthur?...’ you heard the low growl of displeasure in his voice when he mentioned Arthur. Glancing up at Alfred you could see the shock glaze over his sky blue orbs as you figured he’d come to the same conclusion of who Ivan was talking about. But before you do anything Alfred was up and on his feet and heading for the door. You were about to say something, when Ivan beat you to it.

“Hold on. I have a question for you American.” Alfred halted mid-step to glower back at Ivan, “What is it? I have somewhere I got to be.” Narrowing his amethyst eyes, Ivan stood from the couch and stalked over to stand in front of Alfred. “Is it true? Is the person engaged to that Englishman your ex?...” At this you felt your heart stop as Alfred quickly turned away to open the door. But before he could leave you stopped him. “W-wait a second, Alfr—Mr. Jones…” at the sound of his name Alfred paused to look back at you, “What does he mean?....Is the one w-who’s getting married to A-…Arthur…your ex?” Alfred’s shoulders sank as he gave you one last look, his eyes wracked with a hidden sorrow. “I don’t understand…” you whispered unsure of what Alfred had to do with anything. Ivan sensing your distress took a hold of your hand and gave it a light squeeze. Alfred seeing this was about to walk away when you stopped him one more time, releasing Ivan’s hand and taking hold of his shirt to keep him still.

Looking back at you with a startled expression Alfred gave you a sorry smile as he slowly lifted a hand to remove your grasp from his shirt and brought it close to his lips and placed a soft kiss on your palm. Pulling you into a tight embrace Alfred held you close as he nudged his nose into the crook of your neck,

“It was for revenge…”

[E/c] orbs widen as reflection on what he’d said started registering in your head and before you knew it Alfred’s warmth disappeared as there was the sound of his car door slamming and before you knew it, he was gone. Staring at the tire tracks indented in the snow you didn’t notice the dark aura that was seeping out from your doorway and the looming ‘Kolkoling that followed.

~To be continued?!!~

I’m so sorry that this was so late and it probably sucked on top of that, but I’ll try to get this story to end soon, I’m both forgetting and running out of ideas nowadays~ But feel free to comment if you want, and tell me what you think of the story so far….Ah, I feel so shame faced for this chapter, but oh well~

P.s~ I do not own the pics or the characters~ And you are now free of England’s grasp…or are you?~


© 2014 - 2024 mazukikai
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